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Sports morning 2022

Sports morning - Monday

We are keeping an eye on the weather - it is going to be hot!! ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️


Please make sure your child has suncream on when they come to school and that they have a sun hat with them. The children will be outside for a maximum of 30 minutes.


Between races, the teachers may move them to the shade if needed. They will have access to a drink - this may be in the classroom for our youngest children or with them outside for our older children. You should NOT bring drinks or ice pops etc with you for your child.


Parents of Nursery children can send the children with a drink in a named bottle - this will be available for the children in their classroom immediately after the races. (They will also have access to water and milk)


Please note that for KS2, who are outside during the hottest part of the day, we may reduce the number of races to keep them safe in the heat.


If you are coming to watch, please be aware that there isn't any shade where the races are taking place, so please think about keeping yourselves and younger siblings safe in the sun and heat.


Here's hoping for a fun morning!!!
