Recorder 2024
Miss Capron-Tee has been teaching all of Key Stage 2 how to play the recorder this half term. The children have learned B, A and G and you can have a look here to see the impressive progress they have made in just a few weeks!
Following on from our work as archaeologists finding artefacts for the exhibition at the UEA, we have now become curators who have been tasked with telling the stories behind historical paintings in the development of the exhibition to include an art gallery.
We are working as a team of archaeologists who have been commissioned to source a range of artefacts from the Stone Age and Bronze Age for an exhibition at the University of East Anglia.
In Mantle, we are working as a team of animal trackers who have been commissioned by a group of surfers in Australia. Some of learning is done through the story we are building together and some is done discretely.
Animal Trackers
In year 3 we have been working as a team of animal trackers in Australia to help surfers with an abundance of shark sightings. We have learnt all about where Australia is on a map, locating hemispheres and continents. We tracked the sharks using coordinates, repaired our broken network using our ICT skills and fitted trackers using the pneumatics we have learnt about in DT. Our sharks became realistic when we applied our art skills to create them.