W.C 06.01.2025
This week the children found a helmet and some boots in the classroom. They discovered they belonged to a firefighter! Activities this week included drawing themselves as a fire cadet, labelling equipment and building fire engines. The fire cadets underwent special training led by Chief Flame which involved changing into uniform, equipment carrying and physical health checks. DANGER is near…
The children did lots of learning surrounding winter, extending their vocabulary using Grandma Fantastic’s basket and writing their own winter words with support. They loved playing outdoors in the frost and exploring the concepts of freezing and melting. They even made their own ice!
They have been doing lots of handwriting and fine motor activities this week to further develop their control for writing, as well as building CVC words and have been working very hard at this!
WC 13.01.25
This week the children have continued their mantle story by listening and responding to an emergency phone call. The children learnt about fire safety and what appliances are likely to cause a fire if not dealt with carefully! The cadets made sure they had everything ready for their journey; fire engines, equipment and even a car wash to clean the dirty trucks! They built the old lady’s house and drew flames to continue the narrative outside. They embarked on their journey and saved the old lady, but are worried about how she might feel now her house is destroyed…
The children have practiced handwriting the letters c, o, a and d on whiteboards, as well as through writing activities in their provision. They have practiced building and writing CVC words, as well as identifying sounds within words they want to write. We have started reading ‘Where the Wild Things are’ for our literacy and the children have enjoyed writing their own words to describe the wild things and the sounds they might make.
In maths the children have enjoyed singing songs that represent one more and one less, as well as exploring the composition of numbers to 5 using cubes and counters.
The children were amazing in their first swimming session and learnt how to enter and exit the pool safely!
W.C 20.01.24
What a fantastic week! We have continued our mantle by thinking about the old lady’s feelings and writing our own thought bubbles. The children have also learnt about the Great Fire of London by looking at and describing old paintings. We discovered a lot of differences between the past and now!
We have continued reading Where the Wild Things are in our literacy sessions and written positive emotion sentences to describe Max. We also came up with dance words to recreate the wild rumpus and make our own music!
In maths this week the children have explored the concepts heavy and light using loose parts and weighing scales. They have also explored the capacity of different containers using objects, sand and water, as well as making comparisons.
The children are working so hard on their phonics and reading, please don’t forget to access their books at home so they can continue to practice.
W.C 27.01.24
What a busy week! The children have continued their mantle story with a new emergency; a cat is stuck up a tree! The children thought of important questions to ask the owner and discussed what equipment would be the most useful. When the team arrived at the emergency, the cat became scared of all the noise and climbed higher and deeper into the tree! The children worked in teams to gather ideas of how to lure it back down, I wonder whether they will work…
The children loved celebrating and learning all about Chinese New Year (the year of the snake) this week and enjoyed lots of different activities such as writing Chinese numbers to 10, making playdough snakes and paper lanterns!
In literacy, the children finished reading ‘Where the Wild Things are’ and considered different ways that Max could say goodbye to the wild things.
In maths, the children explored the numbers 6,7 and 8 and continued learning of one more and one less using counters and dice faces. Ask your child to sing the one man went to mow song!
The children have also loved learning more about the Great Fire of London, particularly looking at the different equipment and considering what it might have been used for.
This week the children have continued their mantle by successfully luring the cat down the tree, only to find it was badly cut in the stomach! The firefighters made a phone call to the vets and were asked to bring it in right away! Please visit our mantle page to see our exciting mantle journey!
The children have been learning about odd and even numbers as well as finding and making doubles in practical ways.
We started a new literacy story this week, the rainbow fish! The children loved coming up describing the beauty of its colourful scales and writing action sentences to describe how the fish move.
The children have been working hard on their letter formation, this week focusing on the letters e j y and f.