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Miss Davies- architects

Year 1 have been exploring the school using an arial view map. They worked together to see if they could find different areas of the school. The children noticed trees, a car park the running track and the swimming pool. 


Geography Exploring Maps

We then worked as a team to create our own arial view maps. Drawing around the areas we built on the map helped us to create an arial view. 

Somewhere in the United Kingdom someone woke up with a worry. They opened up their briefcase, inside were maps different maps and pictures. The person was confused and forgotten some really important information. The children tried to decide what the person had forgotten. They could not remember how to sort the pictures into human and physical. The children helped the person and can now explain the difference. 

The children met an architect and shared his job. The team wanted to share with Mr Brick all the building they had worked on in the past, they team worked together to create a portfolio.

The children meet Mr Brick

The children met Mr Brick he had a job that he thought we would be interested in and needed our help. He showed us the tools that we needed for the job and got our office ready for our new commission. 

We created the drama of meeting Gabriel and the story of his workshop. Gabriel left from work, when he returned there was burst pipe and all the toys were destroyed. 
