Below you can see the Year 2 team.
Here are the teaching staff:
Here are our support staff
Some children might access our new Year 2 Pod with
Some Year 2 children will be part our Nurture Group, Smarties, with
Our classrooms.
Mrs Clifford's class, 2A is by the huts near KS1's playground.
Mrs Marshall's class, 2B is by the KS1 trim trail.
Both classes will be swimming on Tuesday mornings.
Swimming will start on Tuesday 14th September.
Please come to school in your outdoor PE kit and bring your swimming kit with you. Please take earrings out before you come to school.
Indoor PE
Mrs Clifford's class are on Wednesday morning.
Mrs Marshall's class are on Thursday afternoon.
Please come to school in your PE kit.
(PE kit - School joggers and hoody or black joggers/leggings, white T-shirt, jumper and pumps or trainers. If it is warm the children can come in their black shorts.)
The Titanic
All children in Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School meals.
You can have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home.
Please bring your reading book into school everyday.
You can change your book, if you need to, when you come into school in the morning.
Welcome to Year 2!
2A is taught by Mrs Clifford. Miss Cole teaches them on Wednesday afternoons. She will also be working across both Year 2 classes during the week. Mrs Chase will work with them every day.
2B is taught by Mrs Marshall. Miss Cole teaches them on Thursdays and on Friday morning. Mrs Griffiths will work with them every day.
A few of our Year 2 children will be part of the Smarties Nurture Group. Miss Davies teaches Smarties and is supported by Mrs Matthews.
Some children will access our new Year 2 pod. This is supported by Miss Wilson, Mrs Hirst and the Year 2 teaching staff.
Playtimes and Lunchtimes
You will see that the Key Stage 1 playground has been divided into 2 zones. The year 2 children will have their morning playtime each day at the same time, but each class will access one of the zones to play in. All children will be able to access the track at playtime. This will be the same at lunch time.
Our year 2 classes will eat their lunch in the hall. All year 2 children are eligible for universal free school meals. This means that they can all have a hot lunch if you would like them to. If not, then the children should bring their own packed lunch.
Looking after ourselves and others
On our PE days the children should come to school in their kit. They will wear it all day. PE kit is black jogging bottoms or leggings, white PE t-shirt, warm jumper and trainers or pumps. A school PE kit of joggers and hoody can be purchased from school. In warm weather the children can wear black shorts and a white T-shirt.
The PE days will be displayed on the classroom windows.
Children will wash their hands with soap and water or sanitise:
when they come in to school
before and after playtime
before and after lunchtime
after any coughs or sneezes
after any “messy” activity
before they leave school
What will we be learning in the Autumn Term?
During the Autumn Term we will be working as a team of Botanists, experts with trees and plants. This will build on the children's experiences in Year 1 and focus on keeping plants alive and healthy. Our work will lead us deep into the Amazon Rainforest. There will be a lot to learn about how a rainforest village compares to our local area! The team will also be discovering a fascinating connection between our local area, a significant local individual from the past and the rainforest produce.
Our Day
Phonics and Spelling
We have daily Phonics and Spelling sessions. A small number of our children will still access Phase 2,3 and 4. For the majority of our children, we will begin by revisiting Phase 5 and then progress to using the No Nonsense Spelling Programme. This looks at spelling patterns, prefixes, suffixes, plurals and so on.
We subscribe to an online Spelling site called 'Spelling Shed'. The children will all have their own login details and will be able to access this from home as well as school.
On Mondays the children will bring home a list of spellings to practise at home. These words will contain the phoneme or spelling pattern being taught that week.
During the Autumn Term we will focus on individual reading. We will have a whole class reading session weekly. During these sessions the children will work on different skills. These include:
We follow planning from the 'White Rose Hub' and the 'National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics' (NCETM).
We will be looking at place value, leading onto addition and subtraction. We also have a daily mental maths quiz. This year Year 2, along with Year 1 and Reception, are taking part in a new National initiative to secure mental maths calculations. This will be a daily session for 15 minutes.
Our children can also use their 'Spelling Shed' logins to access 'Maths Shed'. There are challenges here to help practise the number facts and times tables.
In Year 2 we focus on writing to entertain and writing to inform others. This includes narratives, descriptions, letters and instructions.
Much of our writing comes in Mantle. There will be opportunities to explore a broad variety of texts and to develop skills across fiction, non-fiction and poetry writing.
Miss Cole was focusing on Science, Art and DT over the term. The children will be looking at a number of artists who used fruit and vegetables within their work. They will be looking at the animals in our local area and in the rainforest and they will be working on a food project using fruits of the rainforest.
Most children will have weekly spellings to learn. These are given out on a Monday and there will be a quiz on a Friday.
Supporting your child at home
Reading: The children have the opportunity to change their reading book every day. We encourage their independence in selecting a book to share at home.
It is really helpful if the children can spend a few minutes every day practising their spellings and number facts. Spelling Shed and Maths Shed are great for this. They can both be accessed for free on the internet.
Over the first few weeks, the children will also be shown how to use the learning platform called Showbie. This is web-based and can be accessed from home.