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Year 3

The teachers in Year 3 are Mr Benney and Miss Lewis, and Miss Capron-Tee.

Mrs Bridges, Miss James and Miss Cole will also be working in Year 3.


Every week, times table homework is available via TTRockstars. Reading homework is uploaded to Showbie for the children to complete.

What are we learning?


In our Mantle work this term we will be working as archaeologist exploring Stone Age discoveries around the country.


In our Mantle work this term we will be exploring volcanoes. 

We will also be working on a commission from the governors linked to the new building. 



We read in class every day.

We do whole class reading practising all our decoding and understanding skills, as well as exploring books at other times such as to assist our writing and Mantle work.


We use " Fred's Reading" resources which link to a wealth of quality extracts so that we read and learn from a wide range of texts. 


Children reading with Mr Benney: 


Children reading with Miss Capron Tee:


The children read to adults in class and those who still need to develop their fluency and phonic skills read in small groups regularly as well.

They will also have the chance to read their school library books, look at books linked to our Mantle work and change their library books regularly. 

Every day we have story time with the teacher reading to the children. 

Some children will have extra reading opportunities to develop their reading skills. 




In Year 3, we continue to develop our independence in writing and become more accurate with our spelling, grammar and punctuation. We write for a wide range of purposes, including within our Mantle and other work; we write to entertain, inform and persuade as described by Michael Tidd on his website.

We use "The Write Stuff" to learn how to stack sentences into meaningful paragraphs in narrative, story and poetry writing. We use the same approach to learn how to organise our writing to produce non fiction texts about what we are learning - for instance a report about earthquakes. 






We work on our spellings every day using No Nonsense Spelling and practise our handwriting as well. We use Spelling Shed in class and can use it at home as well. 

Some children will have additional chances to build their writing skills as needed.


In Key Stage 2 we use the White Rose Hub Maths plans. We follow a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to learning in Maths.



Children work on times tables everyday and should practise regularly at home, too. 

We do a daily times tables quiz and also enjoy using TT Rockstars to get better and better! They can use this at home as well.


Sometimes our science learning learning is part of our Mantle story and sometimes we just do science! Whichever way, we always do lots of working scientifically - testing our ideas, making observations and measurements and trying to find patterns and explanations. 

These are the National curriculum areas of study we focus on:




Every week we have fun with the Rocksteady Music live stream music lessons covering the Music curriculum. In addition to these, we do follow on activities including using instruments in the classroom sometimes. In this way the children develop their musical knowledge as well as having fun. We will also sometimes have the chance to work on additional musical opportunities within our Mantle. This year we will also have extra singing lessons with Miss Capron Tee. 



We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. 



We follow the PSHE Association Programme Builder plan to structure our teaching in this area. We use the resources recommended in the plans such as Discovery Education and NSPCC Share Aware. 


Computing and Online Safety

We are working towards becoming a verified National Online Safety school. We will be following their plans to teach online safety. We are also updating our training in this area through the "Teach Computing" programme and trialling the use of their plans. 

