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Year 3

The teachers in the Year 3 Bubble are Mrs Howie and Miss Capron-Tee.

Mrs Simon, Miss James and Mrs Bridges will also be working in the Bubble. 



Safety in school:

Each class has their own playtime separate from all other classes in school.

Bubbles are kept separate in the hall at lunchtime.

Each child has been given their own pencil case with the stationery they need for the day. Other resources in the classroom they may use will be cleaned regularly. 

PE kit should be worn all day on PE days.


Children will regularly wash or sanitise their hands:

  • when they come in to school
  • before and after playtime 
  • before and after lunchtime
  • after any coughs or sneezes
  • after any “messy” activity
  • before they leave school 



What are we learning?

Check back soon for details of our Mantle learning!

In Maths, we are working on place value and statistics.




Miss Capron-Tee: Indoor PE on MONDAY.

Outdoor PE on THURSDAY.


Mrs Howie: Outdoor PE on MONDAY.

Indoor PE on TUESDAY.


Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school on those days, thank you.





Homework will begin once the children have settled in.

Maths Curriculum

In Key Stage 2 we use the White Rose Hub Maths plans. We teach a mastery maths focused curriculum following a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to learning. Times tables are practised on a daily basis at school and the children should practise at home regularly. We send home half termly facts for children to learn. We also use Maths Shed to support pupils with their times table learning.


The children should be practising the following times tables: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10. They should be able to recite them in order and answer questions out of order. They should also learn the division facts (for example, if 3 x4 = 12, then 12 divided by 4 is 3).

Reading Curriculum

In Key Stage 2 children read a whole class text and develop their reading skills by discussing the text and working on retrieval, inference, deduction, viewpoint, vocabulary and author choice challenges. 

Every day we have a period of quiet reading using books chosen by the children from the library, which we visit once a week. Groups and individuals will read with the teachers and TAs at this time as well.

We read non fiction texts as part of our Mantle work and  every week we take delivery of the First News newspaper.

Some children need extra 1:1 reading practice and do this as part of our Reading Champions programme.

Children have weekly reading homework where they read a text and answer questions on what they have read. 


Writing Curriculum

In Year 3 much of our writing comes through out Mantle story but we also use prompts from websites such as 'Once Upon a Picture' as well as the class books we are reading.

To help us with the technical aspects of writing we use Alan Peat sentence types, DADWAVERS as well as the No Nonsense spelling programme. 

Children use the Spelling Shed to help them learn about words and can use this website at home too.



PSHE curriculum


We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. A new version has been written for 2020-2025. We will be attending training on January 27th 2021 and so are currently working from the previous syllabus and looking at making the transition to the update during the spring term.

PE - the units or order of units may change due to Covid. Please see class pages for details.
