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Year 4

The Year 4 team are 57 fantastic children and Miss Hinton, Mrs Allmark, Mrs Smith, Mrs Robinson, Mr Benney, Mr Lucas and Miss Andrews. 

Woodfield Summer School

Growing and Changing Year 4 Guide for Parents

A guide for parents on our summer term lessons on puberty, menstruation and personal hygiene.

Writing Curriculum

We follow the Year 4 curriculum to learn the technical aspects of writing. We use starting points such as "Once Upon A Picture" and sentences from texts we have read to support our narrative or story and poetry writing. We learn how to organise our writing to produce non fiction texts about what we are learning - for instance a report about digestion. 

Our writing is often linked to the work we do in Mantle; we write to entertain, inform and persuade as described by Michael Tidd on his website. 

We are constantly developing our vocabulary and handwriting by using the Vocabulary Ninja's ideas,    Word Aware and the No Nonsense Spelling programme. Children are taught how to join their handwriting. 


Children can practice spelling at home by using the free Spellingframe website. 



Reading Curriculum

In Key Stage 2 children read a whole class text and develop their reading skills by discussing the text and working on retrieval, inference, deduction, viewpoint, vocabulary and author choice challenges. This year we are reading "The Dancing Bear" and "The Firework Maker's Daughter" as well as poetry about school! 

We read non fiction texts as part of our Mantle work [for instance reading about digestion or about the Romans] and every week we take delivery of the First News newspaper. News stories from this publication with comprehension questions are sent home for homework. 


All KS2 children choose a book from our library which they read during reading time. Additionally, there are regular story times where the teacher reads to the children. 

Some children need extra 1:1 reading practice and do this as part of our Reading Champions programme with Mrs Robinson. 


These are the words Year 4 children are expected to be able to spell.

Maths Curriculum

In Key Stage 2 we use the White Rose Hub Maths plans. We follow a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to learning in maths.

Children should practice Times Tables regularly at home. They can use their login in to access MathsShed at home as well as at school. They can also use this free website


PSHE curriculum


We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. A new version has been written for 2020-2025. We will be attending training on January 27th 2021 and so are currently working from the previous syllabus and looking at making the transition to the update during the spring term. 

PE - units may change or the order may change to ensure the PE curriculum is Covid Safe. See details on class pages
