Children from Reception to Year 4 are expected to wear school uniform. Uniform is optional in Nursery although the children do often like to wear it. The items suggested have been chosen for comfort, smartness and easy care. Jewellery should not be worn in school with the exception of watches and stud earrings, though these must be removed for P.E. activities.
It is helpful if all school uniform is named.
Green jumper or sweatshirt*
Yellow* or white polo shirt
Grey or black trousers/skirt/dress
Black shoes
In the warmer months, children can wear grey or black smart shorts and green and white checked dresses or skirts.
For P.E. children will need a pair of black shorts, pumps and a white t-shirt.
For Years 1-4 there is also a popular outside PE Kit of school yellow hoodie* and school black jogging bottoms* available from our uniform shop. Alternatively, children should wear plain dark jogging bottoms (preferably black), a plain white T-shirt and a plain (preferably black, grey, green or yellow) sweatshirt, hoodie or zip up top. We prefer children not to wear clothes for PE which have large logos etc on them.
For swimming children need a towel and swimming costume or trucks.
Items marked with a * are available from the school office if you would like them embroidered with the school logo.
Uniform can be ordered from our online uniform shop. Different styles and sizes are held in stock but if we do not have what you need please contact the school office and we will be happy to help you.
Please allow 2 working days to collect your orders.In most cases we will aim to send them home with your child