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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 


Below you can see the Year 2 team.

Here are the teaching staff:


                         Mrs Paxton                Mrs Marshall             Miss Cole



We are very to lucky to have some great people supporting us in Year 2.

Mrs O' Mahoney and Mrs Coldwell work in both classes.

Mrs Hirst and Mrs Bridges both support individual children. 

We have 2 classes in Year 2, with a total of 57 children. 


Mrs Paxton teaches 2A everyday except Thursday. On a Thursday Miss Cole teaches 2A.


Mrs Marshall teaches 2B on Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning.  Miss Cole teaches 2B on Monday morning, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.


Some of our children access the Pod with Mrs G. Hirst, Miss O'Mahoney and Mr Chase.





Our Curriculum




    Much of our curriculum is carefully woven into a Mantle story. 


    Autumn Term

    A team of people track unique journeys around the world and beyond. These journeys are completed by fearless explorers. Their journeys are completed in different ways. The journeys have never been done before.

    The team have built up an extensive knowledge of great explorers. 

    As part of their tracking role, the team need to  know how to deal with dangers faced by the explorers.

    They need to know about the weather. How might different weather events affect the explorers? How might weather conditions change?

    They need to know about the properties of materials so that they can advise the explorers appropriately. How can explorers make a rigid splint to support a broken limb using the materials available to them? How can they keep things warm in extreme cold temperatures? How can they make eye masks to help the explorers sleep when they are in places where the sun never sets?

    They also need to have a good knowledge of the continents and oceans on planet Earth. Where are the explorers in the world? How will they get from one place to another?






    We follow the Year 2 National Curriculum for writing and we use "The Write Stuff" by Jane Considine to learn how to stack fantastic sentences and create stories, non-fiction texts and poetry. 

    Our writing is often linked to the work we do in Mantle; we write to entertain and inform as described by Michael Tidd on his website. 




    Spelling and Handwriting

    Once the children have completed the Little Wandles Phonics programme, they move onto Little Wandles Spelling programme. This begins with a review of phase 5, but focuses more on spelling and writing.




    We begin by completing the Little Wandles Guided Reading programme with 3 guided reading sessions each week. These books are closely matched the phonics we are learning. We can also read these books at home via the eCollins website. Some of the children may move on to whole class reading. These lessons are three times a week. We look at new vocabulary, have a chance to read with a reading partner and on our own, as well as having the chance to discuss the text.


    We read lots of non-fiction texts as part of our mantle stories and use websites like DK Find Out and BBC Bitesize.


    Daily Story Time

    In class we love to share a book. We read a whole range of books and texts. When we have read a book, it goes in our class reading corner for us to read again independently. We are trying to read more than 100 different books this year! But sometimes we just like to re-read old favourites!


    Most weeks we have the chance to go to the school library and choose a book for ourselves.


    Home Reading

    As well as our eCollins books, we also choose a home reader and change this as we need to. These books may have some unfamiliar words in them, but they are for us to share with our families. Our grown ups can make a comment in our reading diary. We have a reading at home challenge. Who will be the first to fill their book mark?



    We follow the White Rose planning for Maths.

    Four days a week we use the NCTEM's Mastering Number programme. These sessions  help us to practise number bonds and calculation skills.

    We also have a daily quiz. This challenge is to help us improve our fluency with number facts. Each quiz has 10 days of challenges. We love trying to beat our daily score. 

    Once we have cracked addition and subtraction facts within 20 we will move on to times tables facts. In the Summer Term we will also have access to TTRockstars.


    Sometimes we learn science through our Mantle story. Sometimes we just do science!

    These are the National Curriculum areas of study we focus on:



    We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE.

    Here are the questions we think about in Year 2:


    We follow the PSHE Association's Thematic Builder. Here are the themes we learn about in Year 2:



    We have started to use the Teach Computing programme. 


    We follow Kapow Primary Music to learn about the instruments in the orchestra and to develop our composing and perfoming skills. We are also really lucky to have Miss Capron-Tee working with us over the year. She loves to sing and we love to sing with her!



    All children in Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School meals.


    The children can have a school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home.

    Lunches need to be ordered in advance via the parent app.



