What are the children learning this term?
This term the children are focusing on learning new routines and making new friendships. We will look and think about our emotions and how they make us feel. We will start to understand what it means to share and how we can communicate our feelings with others. We will also learn about Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. We will explore the world around us through lots of physical and sensory play, learning about Autumn and also new activities such as PE.
Christmas 2024
The children in Nursery have had a fantastic couple of weeks celebrating the festive time of year. They have loved learning all of the songs for the performance, enjoyed a Christmas dinner and danced non-stop at the party. They have practised writing their names in Christmas cards and made sure Santa has a list ready for Christmas Eve. Presents have been wrapped, trees decorated and biscuits have been made…and eaten! It has been a great end to a wonderful term. Thank you all for your continued support. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back to nursery in the new year.
25th - 29th November 2024
The children in nursery have enjoyed continuing their mantle story. They have been helping the Park Keeper to relocate and look after some hedgehogs. As part of their Mantle story they needed to make sure the Park Keeper had lots of energy to do his job. For this they made lots of porridge and even enjoyed tasting it. We also had a great family learning session during this week, thank you to all the families who came along. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and we hope you learned little bit about the work we do in nursery to develop their children’s fine and gross motor skills. If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry, they’ll be some other opportunities throughout the year for you to come and join us.
Week beginning 16th - 22nd November
This week in Nursery we have been developing our fine and gross motor skills though PE and also by developing our core strength and balance in the classroom. The children love practising their poses which help get their bodies ready for writing. They have also loved using their hand eye coordination to carefully place Pom Pom’s in a jar and explored the messy play of the foam and the clay.
In our Mantle story this week the children went on an autumn walk through the forest that they have created. As they were walking they met a man who did not look very happy. He was the park keeper and he had too much work to do! The children decided to become a team to help him. They have learnt about the rake and brush that he uses and in their independent play they have started to help him with his many many jobs. I wonder where our story will take us next week?
Week beginning 4th-16th November 2024
We have had an amazing two weeks in Nursery, the children have been learning about the celebrations of Bonfire Night and Diwali. They have made their own Diva lamps and also created huge playground paint fireworks. We have been exploring lots of different sensory textures though our sensory play, developed our role play skills in the house and on the playground and started to learn more about Autumn. The children went on an Autumn walk to start their learning for their Autumn Mantle story. We collected leaves and looked at their colours and then came back to the classroom to make our own Autumn forest with foot prints, paint and colouring.
16th - 23rd October
This week the children in nursery have had a fantastic time exploring what our faces look like and creating their very own self portraits. We’ve also started to look at the change in the weather and autumn fruits such as pumpkins. We’ve had witches stirring their cauldrons and using their fine motor skills to hammer golf tees into the pumpkins. On the playground this week the children have been introduced to the bikes for the very first time. They have used their social and emotional skills to share and self manage these toys. What a fantastic half term we have had with the nursery children. We are looking forward to learning even more after the half term break.
10th-16th October
Over the last week the children have finished their calm work. They have enjoyed learning how to make the colour green by mixing the colours blue and yellow. The children have used PVA glue for the first time and used this new material to stick legs and eyes to their calm green monsters. These have decorated our calm area which is ready at any time if any of the children (or adults) need a calm moment. Outside the children have started exploring our outdoor kitchen, used the paint brushes to push, pull and move up and down and also transported the bricks in wheel barrows and scooters to develop their core strength. Another fantastic week at Woodrow Nursery.
2nd-9th October
Nursery have explored using the role play area further by introducing more real life objects such as porcelain tea sets. The teddy bears have had a tea party while carefully using the cups and saucers. The children have loved adding 1, 2 and 3 lumps of sugar and a splash of milk to make it just right! This week the babies have needed a bath and the children have need to use their caring hands and gentle fingers to bathe and wash them. Outside we have been creating hospitals, doctors and ambulances to care for the babies when they are feeling poorly. We have also begun our ‘calm’ work, helping us to find ways to be calm when we are feeling a little fizzy inside.
25th September to the 2nd October
The children have started learning about their emotions, we have looked at happy and sad. This has included exploring the colours yellow and blue, learning about things that make us happy and sad, learning how to care for each other when we are feeling sad and making sad monsters. We have also had time in the outdoor areas, explored water within the classroom and began to use glue and scissors to snip and stick.
19th- 25th September 2024
This week the children have loved exploring more of the Nursery area. We have enjoyed more time outside and been introduced the 'Music and Movement' area undercover. The children have started to explore the book 'The colour Monster' and have learnt about the emotion happy. They have loved creating happy faces with playdough and lose parts and began to share and self-manage the wheelbarrows outside
12th- 18th September 2024
The children have had a great start to their Nursery year. Thank you to all of our wonderful families for their support. We look forward to seeing the children grow and develop at Woodrow.