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Mrs Ryall's Class

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Need a house renovating?

Team Transform are the people for the job!



Kroll the troll



Team Transform. A team of house renovators working in Fairy Tale Village.



To relocate Kroll to a new location away from the crumbling bridge.

To rebuild his family home away from boggy land, so he can return to the village and look after the house in a safe location. 




After being asked to conduct a risk assessment of an abandoned house in Fairy Tale Village, the team discovered wobbly bricks and floor boards. They had words on them. The house held many memories. We didn’t know the order of the words. We used them to create a short poem about this house.

When working in the village, the team and Kroll the troll overheard rumors about why he left. People feared him and thought he was scary. They thought he didn’t care about the upkeep of his family home and people were unkind about the appearance of this house in the village. Kroll wanted the true story about why he left to be told...

An urgent meeting was held to discuss the key findings from this message. The children in role, as the villagers, decided whether they should invite Kroll back to the village...

The team needed to get across the boggy land to recover the rest of Kroll’s belongings from his home. They needed a strong bag to carry their tools. They were also concerned about the forthcoming rain, so needed to make sure the bags were waterproof too.

Have you heard of Isambard Kingdom Brunel? 

Year 1 are finding out that he was a great engineer...


Our client? 

The Park Family


Our team? 

Team Story Seekers 


Our commission? 

The Park family have started to create their family tree, but it seems that one of the family members appears to have vanished in time. The team have been commissioned to report back to the family about this particular family member, and provide specific details of their experiences and home/work life during the 1800s.


On completing this commission, the team are approached by a historian who works for the Isambard Brunel museum. They have heard about their research into this families history in the local news and are really interested in telling their story. The team liaise with the family to gain their permission to publish the life and time, sadness and bravery and celebratory times of this persons life.



Our story began in the 1800s. Locals were discussing their thoughts about a dangerous job which needed workers urgently...

We found this newspaper as an artefact in the present time. We started to look at some family trees from this period of history and research how the family members were connected...

After finding more artefacts from the same period of history such as letters and diary entries, we met our client Mrs Jenny Park. She was researching her family tree and needed help to find the missing link to her family history...

We found a very significant artefact that connected the Park family to one of Brunels’ Projects, but what did the line mean?

We explored the thoughts and feelings of the workers through drama. The children created the tunneling shield independently and then wrote in role as the workers themselves in these conditions...

We wondered which material Isambard thought would be the strongest to stop the River Thames from entering the tunneling shield...

We uncovered the true story about Stan Park and explored the day that the tunnel collapsed under the River Thames. We created a monologue of his final thoughts by selecting elements of every child’s writing...

We celebrated the bravery of the workers and celebrated the risks that lead towards changing people’s lives for the better. We created Box Hill and celebrated the achievement of the first railway line from London to Bristol that carried people...

For our first Mantle in Year 1 last year we were the 'Team of Change'; a demolition and construction team specialising in improving buildings in the local area.


Our client?  Matthew Smith


Our commission? To improve the buildings in Pin Village to create a new town.


The team discovered a demolished house in Dart Road, located in Pin Village. Mrs Cart, a neighbour living on the road, saw what had happened. She saw a person in a workers uniform knocking down the house with a team of builders.



Other people must have seen what had happened too. We inquired about the other stories that needed to be told through drama and created artwork to represent what the builders, neighbours, wildlife may have seen as this building was demolished.



The team were invited to attend a training session on how to create blueprints. Matthew Smith led the training and the team learnt about how to use 2D shapes to represent buildings . We then used this to create the drama space of Pin Village.



After their interest in the training the team were asked to sign the commission agreeing to change Pin Village. The team are busy working on site in preparation for building a new town.



The demolition will start soon...

