W.C - 25.11.2024 This week the children have been exploring colour mixing. We have been making defferent shades of green, by mixong green and yellow together. We have been searching for and writing down tricky words that have been hiding around our classrooms. We have also been building and writing CVC words using picture cues.
Remember to practise the tricky words we sent home last week and access the reading books online. This needs to be done at home to support the children's super learning in school!
W.C 18.11.2024 - Lots more penguin activities this week, as we become 'penguin experts'! We have been working hard on developing our fine motor skills to help us with our handwriting. Mrs Heynes' class has a trip to the school library where we share some books together, whilst learning the rules of being in and using a library. The children in Mrs Heynes' class have also dome some amazing penguin pictures using the FreeForm app on the iPads!
Dont forget to check the Mantle page to see wheat we are doing with the lonely penguin!
W.C - 11.11.2024 - This week we started our new Mantle story, so we have been learning lots about penguins. We now know where they live and how they keep warm in the Antarctic! We have also been working hard on our handwriting and trying to apply our monkey writing to our activities around the classroom. We have continued building and using new vocabulary with the help of Grandma and her basket in Literacy.
W.C - 04.11.2024 - The children have been learning about Diwali and Bonfire Night this week. The children all made a Diva lamp to celebrate the festival of lights and had a go at some Diwali dancing. We have been colouring Rangoli patterns and using cotton buds to paint Rangoli patterns on tin foil and made firework pictures using black paper and chalks.
We also learnt about Bonfire Night and the reason why we celebrate it with fireworks and bonfires. The children have used glue and glitter to make their own firework pictures, we made a bonfire using twigs and sticks in the classroom and used tissue paper for the flames. The children from the Rainbow Room went up to the woods and used their imaginations to toast marshmallows on a bonfire. They melted some chocolate and used sprinkles to make edible sparklers and made their own firework pictures using paint and toilet roll tubes.
This week in Maths, we have been looking closely at circles and triangles. The children have been drawing round these shapes to create their own pictures and have been spotting them around the classroom. Have a go at spotting some triangles and circles when you next go out!
W.C 21.10.2024 - This week has been filled with spooky Halloween activities in Reception. 👻 We have been making paper chains to decorate the classroom for Spooky Story Night, making a witches brew in the water tray, pumpkin printing with apples and scooping out the insides of some pumpkins! 🎃 We have also been practising our number skills with some spooky counting and number recognition activities and colouring and tracing halloween pictures to develop the muscles in our hands. 🕸 The Rainbow Room children also had a great time with Mrs Crumpton scooping out a pumpkin and making a gooey explosion inside! They have explored the feel and smell of the pumpkin, made monster halloween cards by blowing through straws in paint and played with some googly eyes in hair gel to increase heir fine motor movements. 🧙♀️
Spooky Story night was great, and your outfits were amazing! Well done! The children have worked so hard this half term, and have achieved so much! We are so proud of all of them!
W.C - 14.10.2024 - This week we went on a walk around school to look for signs of Autumn. We put our existing knowledge into practice and spotted lots of colour changes on the leaves on the trees, some leaves were already on the floor and it was colder and windy! In Art, we explored colour mixing and painting techniques to create an Autumn tree using the tinfoil to print! The effect was lovely! We have been using tools and equipment to pick up some of the falling leaves on the playground!
W.C - 07.10.2024 - This week the children have been working hard in maths. we have been looking at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have been learning to recognise the numerals and represent them using different objects. We have continued our work on Autumn, collaging autumn leaves and animals with tissue paper. we have got some new office equipment in our Role Play areas, which reinforces our learning about online safety and staying safe on the internet. We have been identifying devices that connect to the internet and how we can use them to communicate with each other. Mrs Heynes' class sent an email to Miss Palmer's class and they sent us one back! We have been writing letters in shaving foam and learning to take turns and use the hall space safely in PE.
W.C 30.09.2024 - In Reception this week we have been thinking about the changes that happen as summer turns into Autumn. We have been cutting crispy leaves and talking about the weather. We have also been working hard to build our core strength to make us good writers. To do this, we have been doing lots of crawling and practising our animal positions. Ask your child to show you the penguin, lizard, meerkat, stone lion and bear positions! All of these build core strength and will help with handwriting. We started writing letters in handwriting this week, so we have been practising these on the writing tablets and whiteboards.
We have also done some lovely autumn art this week. We used string and autumn colours to create a background for an autumn animal which we coloured and cut out. The children did an amazing job and the art looks wonderful!
W.C 23.09.2024 - The children have been busy exploring the inside and outside provision this week. We have been working had on developing the strength in our fingers, in preparation for a strong pencil grip and fluent handwriting, so we have had lots of fine motor activities to explore. We also had a go at some observational drawing. We found some interesting objects in the classroom and started learning how to draw what we could see. The dry days saw us building towers outside, making them taller or shorter than others, and developing our imaginations by building our own creations. When it was raining, we put on out outdoor suits and wellies and had a splash in the puddles! In Mantle, we have been learning about our emotions, focusing on happy, sad and angry. Head over to the Mantle section on the class page to see how our story is developing.