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Autumn Term

Autumn Term Planned Lines of Development

W.C 23.09.2024 - The children have been busy exploring the inside and outside provision this week.  We have been working had on developing the strength in our fingers, in preparation for a strong pencil grip and fluent handwriting, so we have had lots of fine motor activities to explore. We also had a go at some observational drawing. We found some interesting objects in the classroom and started learning how to draw what we could see.  The dry days saw us building towers outside, making them taller or shorter than others, and developing our imaginations by building our own creations. When it was raining, we put on out outdoor suits and wellies and had a splash in the puddles! In Mantle, we have been learning about our emotions, focusing on happy, sad and angry. Head over to the Mantle section on the class page to see how our story is developing.

W.C 30.09.2024 - In Reception this week we have been thinking about the changes that happen as summer turns into Autumn. We have been cutting crispy leaves and talking about the weather.  We have also been working hard to build our core strength to make us good writers. To do this, we have been doing lots of crawling and practising our animal positions.  Ask your child to show you the penguin, lizard, meerkat, stone lion and bear positions! All of these build core strength and will help with handwriting.  We started writing letters in handwriting this week, so we have been practising these on the writing tablets and whiteboards.  


We have also done some lovely autumn art this week. We used string and autumn colours to create a background for an autumn animal which we coloured and cut out.  The children did an amazing job and the art looks wonderful!
