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Autumn Term 2023

The Nursery children have been enjoying daily stories as a whole class, reading in the reading area and creating and developing their own stories through their independent play. 

Spring Term 2024

This term the children have been learning about the season Winter. The children have enjoyed a range of fiction and non fiction books. This is an opportunity to talk about winter, use the new vocabulary we have learnt in class and to answer questions related to who, where and what is happening? 


This week Nursery have enjoyed reading the new books in our reading area. The children enjoyed sharing the books with their friends and they particularly enjoyed the books with flaps. Great reading Nursery. 

Reading Books

Next week Nursery will be bringing home a reading book. Please watch the video to learn more about how you can support your child at home with reading. 


Still image for this video

The children are enjoying a range of books this half term about the season Spring. We are learning about gardens, what grows in a garden and the mini beasts that live there. 

Nursery Summer Term 

Nursery will be engaging in a variety of fiction and non-fiction books about countries and places in the world. We will be working on the children’s Knowledge and Understanding of the World in which they live in and talking and commenting on similarities and differences between different places. 
