The Nursery children enjoy stories on a daily basis and engage independently with the reading area in class. The children are encouraged to share books with adults and their friends and pay attention and respond to pictures and words that they can see. The children begin to develop and understand that print has meaning, the front of the book is the beginning and the back is the end. The children engage in conversations about books and respond to questions such as who, where and what is happening?
Nursery have been enjoying a selection of fiction and non-fiction books at story time linked to their learning about Winter.
Nursery Spring Term
The children are enjoying a selection of stories about Spring, growing and mini beasts in class.
World Book Day
Reception and Nursery have enjoyed looking at the story plates that the children have decorated in different year groups in school. They recognised familiar stories and talked about which was their favourite story plate and why?
Nursery Summer Term
Nursery are exploring their knowledge of Understanding the World this term. They will be reading a selection of fiction and non-fiction books about different countries and places in the world and making comments about the similarities and differences between them.