You are standing in a magical land...
First you must create your adventurer.
Draw a picture of them.
Think about what they will be wearing and carrying.
You can print and fill in this sheet, or just make your own on paper.
Your adventurer has 4 abilities:
Sense of Humour
They also have a special power: SUNFLOWER POWER!
This will grow by completing the special sunflower quests.
E-mail your characters to Mrs Marshall / Miss Capron-Tee and we will share them here.
E-mail addresses on the main game page <-- click there!
Every week there will be a new set of quests for your character to complete.
Complete the quests to earn XP (experience points).
If you get enough XP, you will get to level up and choose a bonus from the treasure chest!
Click here to begin with the Week 1 Quests!