Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Welcome from the Chair of Governors.
As chair of governors here at Woodrow First School and Nursery it is a joy for me to write this introduction to the work of the governors in support of the children, staff, and families of all those who attend the school.
We are very proud of our school, the way it is being run and the children’s learning across the school and nursery.
As governors we are delighted with the way our creative curriculum engages our children, the many and varied opportunities offered to them, their progress throughout their time here and the positivity and respect which they show.
Our governing body includes parents and members of staff, alongside other elected and co-opted members from the local community and we hold both full meetings of the governing body and meetings of a range of sub-committees each term.
In our role as governors, we work alongside the headteacher and staff to make sure that there is a clear vision, ethos, and strategic direction for the school, and we monitor and track the outcomes of teaching and learning across the school. Our task is always to ensure the highest possible standard of education for our children and that there is accountability for the educational performance of the school and the pupils and the performance management of staff.
A further part of our role is to ensure that the school is financially stable, that money is well spent and that the finances are well run. Our Finance Committee holds regular reviews of our income and expenditure and all aspects of governance.
Regular meetings of the Curriculum Committee and updates from the headteacher allow all governors to keep up to date and to challenge a range of school performance statistics and data. Governors are also encouraged to make regular visits into school to see at first-hand what is going on. A small number of governors are elected with specific lead responsibilities, for example with safeguarding and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
We have an excellent team of highly qualified and experienced teachers, teaching and lunchtime support staff, office and administrative staff and caretaking and cleaning staff and an excellent range of very well-kept classroom facilities, playgrounds, playing field and a swimming pool.
Owing to the good and continually growing reputation of our school, we are able to attract a high calibre of applicants to fill our vacancies and we also regularly attract large numbers of visitors who come to both experience and learn from life at Woodrow and to meet our amazing children.
If you would like to know more about our school or about the role of our school governors, then please either contact us through the school office on 01527 527619 and ask for the Clerk to the Governors or email
Reg Moore
Chair of Governors Woodrow First School