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Monday 1.03.21

Today you MUST.....

Watch the video making 9 and 10 and complete the activity.

Today you MUST.....


Today you SHOULD.....

Today recap phonic sounds 'th' and 'ng' and play the hoop game with Miss Preston

Todays recap the phonics sounds "ee" and "ai" play the roll and read game with Miss Edwards

Today you SHOULD.....
Handwriting is super important - you should try to do some every day. Have a go at writing this sentence - remember your formation rhymes. 

Today MAYBE try . . .

Watch the video and make a dinosaur with Mrs Bushall

Today MAYBE try . . . 

This weeks story is "How do Dinosaurs count to ten?" Have a listen to Mrs Tolley reading the story ready for this weeks learning.

Today MAYBE try . . . 

Have a go at this phonics challenge. You will need some paper to write the words down.
