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Nursery 2023 - 2024


If you are interested in a place for your child at our Nursery, please watch the video below for more information. 

Please call school on 01527 527619 if you would like to ask any questions or put your child's name on the waiting list. 

Nursery 2023-2024

Find out about our Nursery at Woodrow First School.

The Nursery team consists of Mrs Williams, Mrs Bailey, Mrs Liles, Miss O'Mahonney and Mrs Griffiths.


Mrs Robinson also supports our chidlren with additonal interventions. 


Mrs Styling and Mrs Griffiths support our 30 hour children during lunchtime. 

Welcome to Woodrow First School Nursery


The Nursery class at Woodrow First School is a 56 place setting based on 2 sessions per day, including a maximum of 12 children using the 30 hour funding and a maximum of 8 children using the 2 year old funding. The sessions consist of a maximum of 28 children in the morning and 28 children in the afternoon.


Nursery Session Options


1. Monday to Friday 8.45  to 11.45 (15 hours free funding)


2. Monday to Friday 12.00 to 3.00 (15 hours free funding)


3. Monday to Friday 8.45 to 3.00 (30 hour funding)


4. Monday to Friday 8.45 to 11.45 or 12.00 to 3.00 (2 year old funding for Rising 3's)


Nursery Routine

The children are welcomed into Nursery and begin their session by hanging their belongings on their pegs and completing self registration. This involves finding a photograph of themselves and placing this on the registration board. 


Every morning the children have a carpet time session whereby areas of the curriculum are explored and taught. The children are also introduced to the Enhanced Continious Provision that is available for that day.


During the children's independent learning time they have access to both indoor and outdoor areas. The outdoor areas may include the playground, undercover area and the woods.


Snack time is an important time of the day and is either completed in small groups in the kitchen or as a whole class carpet time, dependent on the focus for the session. The children are offered milk, water and fresh fruit everyday. This time allows the children to learn about the importance of healthy eating and making healthy choices.


The children are encouraged and supported to develop a sense of responsibility within their Nursery community. This is established throughout the day and also at tidy time. Tidy time is an opportunity for the children to support each other in showing care and respect for the learning environment.


Carpet time at the end of each Nursery session is a time where the children come together to talk and share their experiences throughout their day.  Reading is important in nursery and we explore both fiction, non fiction, songs and poems during this session. We also use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Foundations programme and elements of the Write Stuff to enhance the learning. 

Nursery Summer 2024


What are Nursery learning about this term?

This term we will be welcoming new children to our nursery and developing relationships with our new friends. In our learning we will be leaving the UK behind and exploring new countries that have a hot climate. Nursery will look at the animals that live there and discover the main features of the environment and how to navigate these on a map. In PE we will be starting ball games and preparing for the school sports day. Children who are starting school in September will be taking part in lots of transitional work and will have a few taster swimming sessions. Watch this space for more information.

Don't forget to check the school facebook page or the stars below to see the weekly updates of the work the children are doing in nursery.


Each week the children choose some of the pictures to go on the website and facebook page to share with you. 

Nursery - Spring 2024 - What are we exploring this term?

Nursery - Autumn 2023

Nursery PE and Swimming Days


Nursery PE day is on a Monday. Nursery do not need PE kits but can bring a pair of shorts to wear in a named bag. The children are encouraged to dress and undress independently with the support of adults. The children take part in a range of physical activities using a variety of equipment.



The children entering Reception in September 2024 will be starting swimming in the summer term. More details will be shared with you nearer the time.


The children returning to Nursery in September 2024 will swim the summer before they begin Reception.


Family Fun!


Thank you to all the parents who came along to our family fun session last term, it was lovely to spend time with you and explore ways to develop the children's fine and gross motor skills. 


Don't forget to sign up to the next family learning session on March 20th 2024. We will be focusing on supporting your child's maths skills. 



The Early Years at Woodrow First School





“The Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage, given legal force from September 2023, is mandatory for all early years providers in England: maintained schools, non-maintained school; independent school (including free schools and academies); all providers on the Early Years Register; and all providers registered with an early years childminder. (CMA)”

EYFS Statutory Framework 2023


The Foundation Stage is a distinctive stage and the Early Learning Goals establish expectations for children to work towards. It is important to plan a curriculum that helps children make good progress.


The introduction of the Early Years Foundation Stage does not change the point at which attendance at school is compulsory, which is the beginning of the term after a child’s fifth birthday.


The children will develop their potential through a well-planned, broad and balanced curriculum of activities. The curriculum will be accessible to all children, giving them equal opportunity. Any additional needs will be carefully assessed and work will be planned appropriately. All children will be given full curriculum entitlement, working towards the Early Learning Goals. They will be constantly encouraged and helped to develop a positive attitude to learning.


The Foundation Stage curriculum is organised into seven educational programmes, three ‘Prime Areas’ and four ‘Specific Areas.’


These Prime Areas are particularly crucial ‘for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive,’


Communication and Language has been highlighted as a particular need in our school as it underpins so much of the curriculum. Speaking and listening skills will be developed through the “Little Wandle Letters and Sounds” Foundations scheme, the Write Stuff literacy approach, drama, role play and storytelling activities, allowing the children to experience many real and imaginary situations. Mantle of the Expert provides a valuable tool to develop these skills. The children will be encouraged to share their own experiences and ideas. They will learn to follow instructions and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions and actions.


Physical Development. Gross and fine motor skills will be improved to allow individuals to achieve their movement potential and master skills such as using tools and equipment effectively, cutting and writing.



Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Each child is valued as an individual and a member of the group. They will develop a strong self-image and high self-esteem, working towards simple goals and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly. As social and emotional skills develop, children will be able to self-manage and benefit from interaction and co-operation with peers. We will sensitively develop an appreciation of other cultures and beliefs and build relationships to work and play cooperatively. They will also increase their understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to be healthy.


Specific Areas



We develop the reading and writing skills of individuals to allow them to record their own ideas and share the ideas and stories of others. Phonics is a key element in this development and due regard will be given to The Reading Framework. At Woodrow First School we follow the “Little Wandle Letters and Sounds” accredited phonics scheme. Children will explore a variety of different books and have support and opportunities to develop their decoding, prosody and comprehension. Books to read will always be successfully matched to their phonic level alongside multiple opportunities to explore books independently and with others for pleasure.  Mark making and letter formation is developed throughout the Foundation Stage using the “Little Wandle Letter and Sounds” guidance. Reading and writing are fundamental skills for life. Foundation Stage will also adopt elements of ‘The Write Stuff” approach to develop and support skills for writing as developed in the rest of the school. 



will primarily be explored practically and the emphasis will be placed on investigating numbers and numerical patterns. We use a variety of practical resources and methods to teach and reinforce concepts. The White Rose planning is used to inform the progression of maths teaching/learning and children also have four ‘NCTEM Mastery in Maths’ sessions each week to support depth of knowledge and mastery of number.


The children will improve their Understanding the World, starting from what they already know and using scientific, technological, geographical and historical skills to extend their understanding further. The children will develop their own ideas, make predictions and question their observations. They will find out about their own environment and learn about people and places that have significance in their lives, in the past and the present. We use the National Online Safety programme to develop children’s awareness of online presence and safety. We also take inspiration from Barefoot Computing to develop children's technological skills.     


Expressive Arts and Design will involve the children in using a variety of materials, tools and techniques. They will express their ideas and feelings through role-play, music, dance, craft and drama, developing their imagination and creativity. We use the Access Art Early Years and DT Kapow schemes of work to support our planning and ensure a range of opportunities and progression of skills is planned for.



“None of the areas of Learning and Development can be delivered in isolation from the others. They are equally important and depend on each other to support a rounded approach to child development. All the areas must be delivered through planned, purposeful play with a balance of adult led and child initiated activities.”

EYFS Practical Guidance


Please have a look on our policies page for our Foundation Stage Policy which will give you further information. 
