Welcome to Woodrow First School
To find out more about admissions into Worcestershire schools and how to apply for a place please go to the website https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/council-services/childrens-services/schools-education-and-learning/apply-school-place
Here at Woodrow we hope the videos and information below will introduce you to our school and hopefully answer a few questions about your child starting school.
Please watch our virtual tours and have a look at our FAQ's. If you have any further questions please give us a call so we can talk things through with you.
We hope we can welcome you to our school soon.
F.A.Q's about Woodrow First School Nursery
There are three session times available.
Nursery sessions are as follows:
AM – 8.45- 11.45
PM – 12.00 – 3.00
30 hour funded space – 8.45 – 3.00
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer flexible days in our Nursery. It is not compulsory to attend Nursery however we expect your child to attend Nursery Monday to Friday within their allocated session time (AM, PM or full day), unless they are ill or have an appointment. We understand there may be occasional family reasons why your child is unable to attend Nursery also.
We have a limited number of spaces for ‘rising three’s’. These are for 2 year olds who are turning three within that term. For example, we would offer a rising 3 space starting the 1st of September if they turn 3 before the first of January that year.
The rising 3 spaces are available to children who are eligible for the 2-year-old funding.
For more information about 2-year-old funding please visit this website.
If you are interested in a nursery space please call school on:
Or email us at office@woodrow.worcs.sch.uk
We will add your child to the relevant waiting list, dependent on their date of birth. School will be in touch to offer you a space in our Nursery and outline the next steps 4-6 weeks before your child is due to start. If our Nursery is full we will write to you and confirm we are unable to offer you a space at this moment in time.
If you have a preference for an AM or PM session, please make this clear on your application form.
As the 2-year-old and 30 hour spaces are limited there may be a waiting list.
All spaces are allocated in accordance to our Nursery admissions policy which can be accessed here.
Please note; if your child is offered a space at our Nursery it does not automatically guarantee a space in our Reception class. This still needs to be applied for through the appropriate process
15 hour spaces
All children aged 3-4 are eligible for 15 hours funded preschool education. You will fill in a form to apply for this during your induction meeting, the funding will then come directly to school.
30 hour funded spaces
If you are eligible for 30 - hour funding, you will need to apply on this website:
You will then receive a code which you will need to give to nursery. We will then submit the relevant information and the funding will come directly to school.
For the academic year 2020-2021, our 30 hour children will receive an additional 1 hour and 15 minutes in Nursery a week. There will be a weekly charge of £6.25 for this time. This will be charged to you monthly.
2-year-old spaces
If you eligible for a 2-year-old space, then you will need to apply. Look at the following website for more information.
Once your eligibility has been confirmed you will need to pass the details on to school.
Funding across more than one nursery setting
Please be aware that they may be a further charge if you choose to use another nursery provider as well as Woodrow First School. If you are using more than one nursery provider, we will discuss your individual arrangements with you when we organise the relevant paperwork prior to your child starting.
Once we have allocated your child a space, you will receive a letter from us. This will ask you to confirm if you are accepting the space. We will also ask you to contact school to arrange an appointment. This may be done at your home, in school or over the phone. The arrangements for this will depend on the government restrictions at the time.
At our meeting with you we will fill in all the relevant forms, this will include forms for the funding. We will also have the opportunity to discuss the arrangements in nursery and any worries or questions you may have. We will also outline the arrangements for the start of the term.
Uniform is not compulsory in Nursery. However, the majority of parents choose to send their child in uniform. You can buy branded uniform from the school uniform shop. However, uniform in the school colours is fine too. Children at Woodrow First School wear a green sweatshirt or cardigan, white or yellow polo shirts and black or grey trousers, skirts or dresses. We will discuss uniform and the most suitable clothing to wear in nursery with you prior to your child starting.
You will be able to enter through the Nursery gate and wait on the playground Once the bell has gone your teacher will open the door ready for the day.
Yes, all classrooms have toilets nearby.
Your child will have a peg with their photograph on it so they know where to put their things.
If your child has a lunchbox they will put it on the lunch trolley.
In Nursery there are a team of adults who will support your child. Each day you can see who is in the classroom on the welcome board in the window.
The Nursery is full of learning opportunities! Each day the children will have access to three short whole class carpet times, a snack time and free play which will be indoor and outdoor. The adults will support the children throughout their activities and choices.
Each child has the chance to have milk, water and fruit during their session time.
The arrangements for 2020-2021 are as follows:
These arrangements may change and lunchtimes may be re-introduced to the session, we will provide more detail specific to your child’s nursery session nearer the time.
PE will happen once a week, once all of the children are settled in.
In Nursery your child will not need a PE kit for our PE lessons. However, if you would prefer your child to wear a change of clothes you can leave this on their peg for them.
Nursery will swim on a regular basis in the spring and summer term. We have a pool on site for them to use.
As we use the outdoor areas on a daily basis, a coat, hat and gloves would be useful in the colder weather. If the sun is shining, we would suggest a sun hat. Please note that we are unable to apply sun cream to your child, however they are able to put this on themselves. You may also want to bring a spare change of clothes and/or nappy changing bag which can go on your child’s peg.
If your child becomes upset when coming to Nursery, don't worry! It is not unusual for children to find starting nursery hard. Sometimes it can take a long time to become fully settled in. If this is the case that's okay and settling in to the school environment is what nursery is all about. We are here to support you and your child to feel comfortable in school so they are happy and ready to learn. Each child is an individual so we will speak to you about different ways we can support your child and make a decision about what is best for your child and you.
Yes. We will discuss your child’s individual situation with you when we fill in the relevant paperwork. We will always support your home routines and regularly discuss different ways we can support your child.
Before your child starts nursery we will have time to chat with you. During this time, we can discuss any additional support your child may need. We will always work to support you and your child in the best way possible.
F.A.Q's about starting in our Reception Class
How do I apply for a school place for my child?
Applications are now open! Please apply via the following website.
Applications must be made by the 15th of January 2024. If you have not applied for a space for your child by this date, then you may not be able to send your child to a school of your choosing. It is really important you apply before the closing date.
Please note: If your child currently attends our Nursery or has a sibling in school this does not guarantee your child a space in our Reception class. Your application will be looked at in line with Worcestershire’s admissions policy.
How are spaces allocated?
Spaces at Woodrow First School are allocated by Worcestershire County Council. There are clear guidelines that they follow to allocate spaces.
Please see the following document which guides you through the application process and any questions you may have.
What happens after my child has been offered a space?
If you have been offered a space at our school and you are happy with this, then please follow the instructions in the letter to accept the space.
Once the deadline for accepting spaces has passed we will be in touch to begin sharing information with you.
How many children are in Reception at Woodrow First School?
Our school is two form entry which means there are two classes per year group. In each class can take up to 30 children.
What is the uniform at Woodrow First School?
Our school colours are green and yellow. Children will need a green sweatshirt or cardigan, a yellow or white polo shirt and grey or black trousers, skirt or dress. In the summer term grey or black short or a summer dress can be worn. We advise sensible shoes.
You can order branded uniform from the school uniform shop however you can also buy non branded uniform from supermarkets etc. Children will also need a PE kit which is black shorts a white t-shirt and pumps/trainers.
Are there toilets nearby?
Yes, all classrooms have toilets nearby.
Is there a place for my child’s coat and bag?
There are pegs in the bathroom area to hang coats and bags, your child will have one with their name on it. This is also where your child’s PE kit and swimming kit will go in the future.
Where do I put my lunchbox?
Each class has a trolley to put lunchboxes on, your child will place their lunch box on there. At lunchtime, the trolley will be taken to the blue room where the lunches are being eaten.
How many teachers will my child have?
Every class will have a number of adults. There will be one or two teachers who are responsible for the whole class. There may be an HLTA who takes the class for one morning or afternoon each week. There will also be TAs and other adults who work with the children.
Where will I sit?
In Reception children may sit on the carpet for some of their learning and also use tables and chairs for other activities. Your child’s teacher and the other adults in the room will be around to help your child know where to sit.
Will my child receive a snack?
Every day your child will have some time to have a drink of milk or water and a piece of fruit.
Can my child have a hot dinner?
Yes! In Reception all children are entitled to Universal Free School meals. If you would like your child to have a hot dinner they will need to order their dinner during the register. In the first few weeks we will support the children to know what they are having for lunch and make sure everyone has something to eat. We will discuss your child’s dietary needs before your child starts school with us if you have any concerns.
Will my child do PE?
PE will happen once a week, once all of the children are settled in. Children in Reception also use the outside area on a daily basis for a substantial period of time. This support their physical development in addition to their PE session.
Will my child go swimming?
We have a pool on the school site and we feel it is important for young children to become water confident. Swimming will happen once a week when the children are settled. There will be an opportunity for parents to find out more about this before swimming starts.
What does my child need to have for school every day?
As we use the outdoor areas on a daily basis, a coat, hat and gloves would be useful in the colder weather. If the sun is shining, we would suggest a sun hat. Please note that we are unable to apply sun cream to your child, however they are able to put this on themselves. Your child will also need their lunchbox if they are not having a hot dinner. You may also want to bring a spare change of clothes which can go on your child’s peg.
What will my child be learning in Reception?
Your child’s Reception year is full of exploration and learning. The teaching staff plan and prepare learning opportunities as guided by the Development Matters document. This document outlines the Early Learning Goals that are aimed to be achieved by the end of a child’s time in Foundation Stage.
Your child will have opportunities for whole class and small group work, one on one support from teaching staff, child led activities both indoor and outdoor and also adult guided tasks which enhance their learning further. Reading, writing and maths is covered throughout the day alongside all areas of the curriculum. As the year progresses the expectation on the children is developed to ensure they are ready to start Year One.
How will you teach my child?
Teaching in Reception takes on many forms. Children will have several carpet sessions a day alongside focused tasks to be completed. We also use Mantle of the Expert to impact upon the way we teach our curriculum. This is a technique for learning which we use throughout school. The children take on the role of experts involved in solving a problem. It provides the children with a reason for learning.
My child has additional needs how will you support my child?
Each child is individual and at Woodrow First School we aim to adapt our provision to support each child at their individual level. Please call us on 01527 527619 to discuss your situation with us before you apply.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. If we can be of any assistance with the forms please ask at the school office and we will be delighted to help.
Applications for Nursery places are made through the school office.
Parents should register their interest by completing a form and the child's name will be placed on a consideration list.
An offer letter based on the criteria in the Nursery Admissions Policy [not first come, first served] is sent out the term before the child is due to start Nursery.
For further details please refer to the policy section of the website [under Key Information].