The government released their guidance for Early Years settings (which includes us as a maintained school with a Nursery) only this afternoon.
We have been responding to this and adapting our plans in light of the extra information. This continues to be a huge task for schools.
Currently, we aim to open for Nursery children ONLY on 8th June, followed by staggered start dates for Reception and Year 1. These dates are to be confirmed with you depending on which group your child will be in.
If you have told us you would like your child to be in school, we will be emailing you with the details this week.
If we do not have your email address, you must email in order to receive all of the information in good time.
You will need to prepare your child for the changes they will face on their return.
Thank you for your patience and support in these challenging times. We are working hard to ensure we minimise the risks of returning to school for the whole Woodrow community.
Sending best wishes as always to you all xx