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All children are back on 8th March

It's great news that the children will all be returning on 8th March. We are working hard to make sure school is as safe as possible.


So far we can tell you:

*Children will be in the bubbles they were in before Christmas with their usual class teachers and teaching assistants - they will not mix with anyone outside their bubble *We expect all adults - parents, staff and visitors to wear face coverings around school - except for when they are teaching

*There will be a staggered start and end to the day - we will give you your set drop off and pick up times tomorrow (we know this may not be what you want to hear, but we feel we need to do it - at least in the short term - whilst the stay at home restrictions are still in place)

*Lunches will continue as they were before Christmas

*There will be no Breakfast Club for the rest of this term - then there will be a review for after Easter


We will post an update each day - starting tomorrow with exact details on the start and end of the day. We really appreciate your patience.


Thanks for your tremendous support. As we said yesterday we will NOT RESPOND to any questions or comments here. However, we are available to talk on the phone every day about any queries you have - big or small.
