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Christmas Dates for the diary

Non uniform choccie donation day - 1st December

Children can wear non uniform if they bring in a donation for the chocolate tombola stall - so full sized chocolate bars, packet of chocolate lollies, things like toblerone or chocolate orange, box of chocolates or box/tin of chocolate biscuits. 

In school Panto
 - 7th December CHILDREN ONLY

YN, YR, Y1, Y2 Chaplins Theatre Company in the morning in the hall

Y3, Y4 Online Panto in classrooms 


Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children and Christmas Singing - 9th December 

Children are invited to wear Christmas jumpers, tops, hats etc. 

They will be singing a few Christmas songs for family members. Please note that this will not be Christmas plays. 
Y1 and Y2  9.00-9.30am

Y3 and Y4  9.45-10.15am

YN 11.30 - 12.30pm

YRB 1.00- 1.45pm

YRA 2.00- 2.45pm 

More details to follow. 

There will be two tickets per family as we need to be mindful of numbers of people in one place for Health and Safety reasons. We will try to film the singing and post it on the school website after the performances for other family members to see if they wish. 

Christmas Fair - 13th December 9am till 10.30am 

More details to follow. We are looking at how to spread out the stalls as much as possible to manage numbers of people in one place at one time. 

Please send in any donations of toys, bric a brac, gift bags with new gifts in and  bottles, chocolate and sweets for the tombola. 
There will NOT be a Santa’s grotto. 


Santa day - 15th December 

Every child will have the opportunity to visit Santa in his grotto and will be given a present (paid for by school). 

Christmas dinner - 15th December 

Menu and details to follow when we have them.

Party afternoon - 16th December 

Children can wear party clothes and there will be a variety of activities in different spaces in their Key Stage to choose from and enjoy including party games and dancing, colouring, Christmas film and school games (not toys from home). 

