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Free School Lunch hamper update

Free school meals
Shire Catering will provide a basic lunch food hamper on Thursday for children eligible for Free School meals.

Please phone school to order one.

It will include bread, some tinned goods, potatoes, fruit, yoghurt and cheese. There will be a limited amount of ham to order. The hamper will cover 2 weeks of lunches for your child.

We will post on FB when they can be collected. This will replace the current sandwiches.

We are in constant talks with Shire Catering about whether vouchers will replace the food hampers after Easter.
Please note that at the moment WE DO NOT HAVE FOOD VOUCHERS.

A huge thank you to Penny and the team at Shire Catering for their continued hard work and support for our Woodrow families.

Please share- especially with people not on FB
