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Free School Lunches update

We know that some schools are giving out vouchers and hampers. They generally have their own catering teams in school and so have been able to do this before the government scheme has been finalised.

Our free lunches are made offsite by Shire Catering - therefore because we have a contract with them, they arrange the food not us as a school.

They provide food for a number of schools so are super busy and doing a great job. They have been working on arranging hampers for a week so that families do not need to come to school daily to collect sandwiches.

Their difficulty at the moment is sourcing household sized portions of food as they usually buy catering size!

Their aim is to provide sandwiches for Monday and Tuesday, then all being well have hampers ready for Wednesday (with things like pasta and baked beans- a standard selection of good basics).

If this goes ahead we will be asking you to ring and order on Monday. The hampers will then be available for collection from school.

We will update you on Monday.
