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Home Learning
Today we sent home a pack to help support learning at home over the next weeks of isolation. Depending on the age of the child, this included an exercise book, a pencil and 2 library books.
If your child is currently absent from school, their pack will be available for collection between 10am and 2pm tomorrow.
Look for the Year group table in the foyer at the main entrance.
Please help yourself - you do NOT need to speak to the office staff.
If your child's pack can not be collected tomorrow, the foyer will also be open on Monday 10am - 2pm.

Please note that currently we do not have plans to restock these packs and it is not possible to change the library books.

For home learning ideas, on this website, click on the Parents tab, then Home Learning, then the Year group of your child.

In the coming weeks, we also hope to add to the ideas and post some videos and tasks from class teachers, so keep checking.
