Quick update...
Free school meal vouchers - if you have ordered a postal voucher we will hopefully be printing them on Monday and sending them out for next week.
Email vouchers - if you haven't already, you should receive a voucher for this week and another for next week ( so 3x £15 vouchers per child for 3 weeks). We will be joining the queue to order more.
We have some sandwiches at school if you need any.
Home Learning - do check the school website as there are lots of suggestions which you can choose from.
Bell Heath - make sure we have your details so we can send you a refund cheque.
School places - make sure you accept or appeal the place given to your child for YR or Y5. We are working on induction for families with YR children. The middle schools are starting to ask for information about Y5 children. We are working on letting you know in July about classes for next year. We await guidance on how we can share end of year reports with you all (including Special Educational Needs).
If we can help in any way, please get in touch. Take care everyone xx