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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment. Remember - our newsletters are uploaded to the website every week

  • Latest CoVid advice from the government

    Wed 23 Sep 2020


    The government has written to all Parents and Guardians with updated advice and asked us to forward the letter to you all.

    You can view the letter here


  • One way system

    Sat 12 Sep 2020
    As the newsletter says, everyone is doing a brilliant job following the one way system - THANK YOU We need your help now to avoid the queuing outside the gate and families waiting close to each other outside classrooms before the doors open. Please consider arriving at school later than 8.40am in the morning as this is when we are getting the "crowding". The bell doesn't go until 8.55am and in classrooms we are starting assemblies and more formal learning at 9am - so the children won't be missing anything vitally important before then!! If too many people are arriving early there is no point in us having a longer drop off time as the idea is to space out families arriving over the 15 minute period. We really want to avoid having different times for different classes. Let's see how it goes next week... Thanks again 😊
  • Covid symptoms and what to do about them

    Sat 12 Sep 2020
    Thank you to parents and carers for your support this week. We do have children with colds and sore throats etc. This flow chart might help to make sense of what to do. If you're still not sure, you can phone and talk it through with us. Next week, we will be sending home a letter about returning to school after an absence. We have to send off detailed absence information to the local authority and so will need to speak to you before your child returns to the classroom. Until then, if your child is returning on Monday and we haven't spoken to you, please call by Mrs Taylor's window before walking round to the classrooms. Thanks
  • Latest CoVid advice

    Tue 08 Sep 2020 RK

    Unfortunately, it's the season of coughs and colds. This means there is understandably a lot of uncertainty about whether to send children to school if they have a sore throat, runny nose or cough.

    We have been reading and re-reading the guidance today as well as talking on the phone to the Local Outbreak Response Team. 

    Children with a bit of a runny nose, stuffy nose or sore throat can attend school if they are well enough.




    If your child has any of these symptoms:

    • A new persistent cough - coughing a lot for longer than an hour or 3 coughing outbursts a day
    • A high temperature - they will feel hot to touch
    • Loss of sense of smell or taste


    They MUST stay at home and you should arrange for a Covid-19 test. Any brothers and sisters must ALSO STAY AT HOME as should the whole household and any support bubble.


    If there is a negative test result and there is no high temperature for 48 hours, the children may then return to school.


    Should a child or member of staff test positive for Covid-19 - nad we hope this doesn't happen - Public Health will make an assessment about who else outside their household needs to isolate at home.


    Also, if you are in any doubt about your child's health, do ring your GP or NHS Direct for advice.  We only know about what we read in the guidance and you should always get professional advice if you are worried.


    Thank you as always for your support. Let's remember to stay 2 metres apart (adults) and for us all to be rigorous with hand hygiene and catching coughs and sneezes safely.
