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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment. Remember - our newsletters are uploaded to the website every week

  • Social distancing

    Sat 30 May 2020

    Please remember this - especially if your child is coming back to school.


    There were nearly 800 deaths from this virus recorded in the past two days.


    If your child is not social distancing outside school they will be increasing the risk of other children and adults catching the virus in and around school.


    Please share xxx


  • Nursery / Reception / Year 1 update

    Thu 28 May 2020

    If your Nursery, Reception or Year 1 child is returning to school please remember...


    You should walk to school or travel by car if needed. You should not use public transport.


    Only one adult should bring each child into the school grounds. You shouldn't bring brothers and sisters. You should make arrangements to avoid this for everyone's safety.


    We have a one way system - you must:
    come in through the main gate,
    hand over your child 2 metres from the door (they must come in from there independently) and exit through the KS1 playground gate.



    We are working hard still on creating leaflets, videos and information to share with you soon.

  • Parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1

    Tue 26 May 2020

    Parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1, we have emailed you the general letter about children returning to school.


    We have had a number of emails which have bounced back, so if you havent received the letter please phone the school office tomorrow.


    There will be more details to follow during the week. 😊

  • Update

    Sun 24 May 2020

    The government released their guidance for Early Years settings (which includes us as a maintained school with a Nursery) only this afternoon.


    We have been responding to this and adapting our plans in light of the extra information. This continues to be a huge task for schools.


    Currently, we aim to open for Nursery children ONLY on 8th June, followed by staggered start dates for Reception and Year 1. These dates are to be confirmed with you depending on which group your child will be in.


    If you have told us you would like your child to be in school, we will be emailing you with the details this week.


    If we do not have your email address, you must email in order to receive all of the information in good time.

    You will need to prepare your child for the changes they will face on their return.

    Thank you for your patience and support in these challenging times. We are working hard to ensure we minimise the risks of returning to school for the whole Woodrow community.


    Sending best wishes as always to you all xx

  • Parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1

    Fri 22 May 2020

    Parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children - please make sure we have your email address as we need to send you important information about next month.


    If you completed the form on our website we will have this information and you do not need to do anything else at the moment.


    If you didn't use the website form, please email school as soon as possible at


    In the subject box please put "Returning to school" and in the actual email please put your child's name and their class.


    If you do not have an email, please set one up. It is free and simple to make a gmail on a phone. This will be the way we will be communicating all of the changes with you over the next month.




    Please help us out by sharing with as many parents as you can - especially those without facebook.


    Thank you 😊

  • County Council approach to phased open of schools to more children

    Wed 20 May 2020

    We have been asked to share this letter which sets out the Worcestershire approach to the phased opening of schools to more children.

    (Please note that Nursery was added to the list after the Prime Minister's speech)


    We will be sharing the plan for Woodrow once it has been finalised and accepted by the Governors.


    You can download the letter on the Home Learning page, scroll down to the latest news section:

  • Update

    Mon 18 May 2020

    Thank you to the parents of Nursery, Reception and Year 1 who have emailed us so far about the government's plans to be open for more children from June 1st.


    We are collating the responses so that we can begin to organise children into small groups and allocate them a room and an adult. We then have to reorganise the rooms; rearranging furniture and removing a lot of equipment and resources.


    You may have heard the ministers speaking over the weekend and know that their "tests" for the next phase for schools are not yet being met. Therefore we cannot give you any firm details at this time.


    We will email you once we have more information to share.

    In the meantime, you can ring during school hours or message here if you have any questions.


    Please continue to encourage other parents to get in touch via email or phone.

    Thank you as always for your wonderful support.

  • Update

    Wed 13 May 2020

    Thank you so much for the responses so far about children coming back to school. We have heard from 60 families.


    Having an idea of the number of children returning when the government deem it safe to do so, will help us to plan for how many classrooms we need and how to reorganise the layout of the rooms.


    The children will be in small groups and encouraged to social distance. Because of this they may be in a different classroom with a different teacher to usual.


    Once we know possible numbers we will share with you our initial plans and how we aim to follow the government guidance on protective measures.


    Therefore please complete the form on our website or phone school for a chat. Please encourage other parents to do this too - especially those not on facebook.


    Thank you xx


  • Request for parents of YN, YR and Y1 children

    Tue 12 May 2020

    These are the documents released yesterday by the government. We are asking parents of YN, YR and Y1 children to complete a form on our website please, so that we can gather your thoughts on the decision you might make about a return to school.



    Thank you for all of your responses so far. Please keep sharing - especially with parents who do not have Facebook.


    As we said before, we will do absolutely everything we can to make school as safe as we can, but whilst making your decision we feel we need to also let you know that this will not be school as your young children know it. The guidance from the government makes this clear.


    We know this is a very difficult time for parents - if you want to ask anything at all please do give us a call.


    Thank you and stay safe xxx




  • Coronavirus update

    Sun 10 May 2020

    There has been an update from the government regarding Coronavirus this evening.

    We await further information and clarity on how we respond as a school.

    We recognise how anxious you may be as a result of this.

    We also recognise difficult decisions will need to be made in the coming weeks and that you may feel unable to send your young children in to school. We will support you and continue to work together. You have given us fantastic support throughout this .

    What we will promise is that we will do our upmost to make school as safe as possible for your children, our staff and the wider community.


    We will share information with you as we receive it. Thank you for all your support - we really appreciate it.


    In the meantime, continue to keep your lovely children safe at home. There is lots of support on our website and you can always phone us.


    Stay safe Woodrow friends xx
